Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blast from the Past

There must be a lot of things about my childhood that I don't remember. I worry that this lack of memory makes my blog a little less interesting than it could potentially be.

For instance, Jon on "Stuff Christians Like" mentioned "choose your own adventure" in his post today. And suddenly I remembered that I used to read "Choose Your Own Adventure" books! I loved reading through as many different story plots as possible and often finally just ended up reading various endings to the story before moving on to the next book.

If only I could remember minor details of my past then maybe hundreds of people would flock to the blog to reminisce and wonder to themselves how they could have forgotten about watching "Today's Special" as a child.

Or not. Let's face it. The fact that I used to read "Choose Your Own Adventure" books is kind of a red flag that I was a nerd. I read A LOT. Sometimes I was reading two or three books at a time. For fun, not for school. Although, I did also read all the books I supposed to read for school. Because I was a nerd. (As opposed to my husband, who I don't believe ever read a book in its entirety for school...or for fun, come to think of it.)

So, most people would probably not find my childhood memories terribly entertaining.

I do remember that despite the fact that I was a nerd who loved to read and did all my schoolwork, I pretty much always hated school...until college. But let's face it: college is not like regular school.

Now that I'm far removed from college (I don't feel like counting the years), I wouldn't really want to go back to all that studying and readings textbooks and final exams. Have I rambled enough for today? I believe so.

Leaving this post in such a state of rabbit trails and unimportant flashbacks does have an upside: it will force to come up with another post soon because I hate to leave this as the first post at the top of the page!

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