Saturday, August 29, 2009

I remember Athens, Greece.

Three years ago today we were in Athens, Greece - one of the ports of call on our Mediterranean Cruise. I remember it was HOT.

And everything was in Greek.

Mostly I remember the cruise as the best vacation we ever took. I am torn between feeling so grateful that John and I have had so many fun, exciting experiences to remember together and really wishing I was on that cruise again right now!

On the up side, it may actually be cooler here in Texas today than it was that day three years ago in Athens.

Don't get me wrong, it's still hot enough to break a sweat while doing nothing more than walking around in the shade, but it is definitely about 10 degrees cooler than it has been. The northerly breeze doesn't hurt either.

Sometimes I'd like to go back to how things were three years ago. Only because that was before I even knew about my infertility, an issue which is making life a lot more emotional and difficult than it used to be. (And maybe a little bit because four years ago we were living in Europe.)

But then I realize there are so many more things that are better about where I am in life now. Since that cruise, we've traveled to some other really beautiful places. We've gotten to meet the little boy we sponsor with Compassion International in Uganda, Ronald. I am now working in a ministry I love; I seriously could not think of a better place to work. We have so many different and wonderful friends now that we didn't even know four years ago. We have a sweet, cute, miraculous two-year-old nephew. We've gotten our little house fixed up pretty much the way we'd always wanted it. John is generally happier in his work than he's been in a long time. I have a vegetable garden that actually produces (some) vegetables.

It sure is good to take some time to think of all those things I'm thankful for, ways my life is fuller and even better than it was three years ago.

Not that I wouldn't totally take a Mediterranean cruise again in an instant!

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