Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bits and Pieces

Why is it almost halfway through September? I can't believe how time is flying!

While I've been maybe a little crazy busy at work, John's also been working extremely hard on three different clients in three different states at the same time. Impossible? Well, we'll let you know in few weeks.

We did get to make a quick trip down to visit my sister, brother-in-law and sweet nephew over Labor Day. I might have only mentioned it once or eighteen times: my nephew is the cutest, funnest, smartest little boy! We had a blast reading, playing chase, stacking blocks, and going to the playground.

There is one book, "A Surprise for Nutbrown Hare" that is my nephew's absolute favorite book. He will ask you to read it over and over and over...despite the fact that there is one page of no particular consequence that makes him start crying. The story is not sad or frightening in any way, but when you read this one page, the tears start flowing. Then 30 seconds later when you finish the book, he closes it and hands it back to you to read yet again.

I think my sister told me that yesterday she decided to retire "A Surprise for Nutbrown Hare". No need for all the random crying.

(There is no appropriate segue here, so just pretend.)

I was perusing photos today and came across this:

Someday I'd like to go to there. (For those of you who don't watch, that was a 30 Rock reference.) (30 Rock, by the way, will not start up again for another 5 weeks or so. Alas.)

That's in China, by the way. You can read about it here.


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