Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Second Attempts

There are two ways to go into a Second Attempt.

Most of the time, a Second Attempt means the first time failed, or didn't go perfectly. So, sometimes it's easy to focus on that: "Here we are again. If only the first time had worked out we wouldn't be doing this all over again."

Another way to look at the Second Attempt is with gratefulness that second chances are an option. God knows, better than anyone else I expect, that I am far from perfect. (Often, third, sixth, even seventy-second chances are in order!) And, with God, there's always the sure hope that one day things will turn out just the way they are supposed to.

I prefer the latter viewpoint.

That said, (and for the few of you who read this blog on a regular basis and do not just stumble upon it while searching the web for "cicada killers" and "Rick Steve's favorite castle"), we will be doing a second IUI (intra-uterine insemination) this Wednesday morning.

Our family, and how it grows, and when it becomes larger, is all in God's hands.

But I sure do pray that this next IUI will be successful. If you're joining in that prayer, you might as well pray for me to have some peace with this process, too.

Because, even though I'm grateful for second attempts and hopeful that the ultimate plan will be perfect, I would like some children and all this infertility stuff can be nerve-wracking, frustrating, and emotionally painful.

We'll know the results of all of this in a few weeks. Until then, we'll continue working, visiting with friends, going to the lake, cultivating the garden, getting the tires on the car rotated...you know, normal life.

And normal life...really, life at all...is such a gift!

1 comment:

e said...

i know i already emailed but just wanted to say one more time,
you are brave and i am praying.