So, I kind of have no motivation to finish decorating the house for Christmas. Even getting Christmas cards addressed and mailed seems not very urgent or necessary right now. With no looming deadlines...except for the actual day and even then there will be no company coming over...I'm in serious procrastination mode when it comes to any regular Christmas preparation activities.
And, can I just say, as much as I absolutely love hosting guests and parties, it is really nice to have other people hosting all the festivities this year!
So, thank you, other people!
I think it's enough to listen to Christmas music, drink hot beverages, wear Christmas pajamas, and enjoy the unseasonably COLD weather we're having this week. We even had actual snow drifting down from the sky the other day. It didn't stick, but what an appropriate welcome to the month of December! Snow really is beautiful, especially when you live in a region that hardly ever sees the white stuff.
Know what else is beautiful?
These flowers the girls in my small group sent me.
I am so blessed to have these ladies in my life! Ya know, with the end of the infertility treatments, a negative pregnancy test, the holidays coming up, and a husband who is constantly traveling, it was a bright spot in the day to get flowers and read a note letting me know there are people praying for me and loving me.
Thank you, ladies!
And now, I shall take a hot shower, put on some Christmas PJs and my Sock Monkey slippers, and crank up the Christmas music. Happy December!
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