Monday, April 28, 2008


That's how I feel today.

I don't feel jealous too often. Not that I'm a saint or anything; maybe I am entirely too realistic (and/or negative) and have trained myself to believe that having those glittery objects or that perfect "outward appearance" does not equal happiness. Or maybe I've done enough counseling to realize there is always depth, darkness, or some form of discontent lying beneath that glamorous facade.

I believe the one thing in the world I can be truly jealous of is someone else's trip to Disney World.

I know it is fleeting and a complete temporary anesthesia for the reality of life, but I am always so happy to be at Disney World. And in the state my life is currently, I could use that escape from reality.

My parents are vacationing in Micky World this week, and I talked to them briefly while they were in a park this morning. I think talking to them, knowing they were in the park, hearing background noise straight from Disney World put me over the edge. Plus, I just remembered that one year ago, we were in that euphoric state of being just days away from a trip to Wally World ourselves.

I have tried to start writing a final installment of the Seattle trip report, but to no avail. Hopefully later today my mind will be able to focus more clearly on the task at hand rather than conjuring memories of that fabulous trip to Orlando we took last year.

Stay tuned.

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