Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Statue of Liberty Day!

You know what the Statue of Liberty represents, don't you?

Obviously, the Statue of Liberty stands for truth, justice, and...tax day.

While driving around town this morning, I noticed several of the nationally-known tax offices had stationed employees dressed as the Statue of Liberty on the sidewalks in front of the buildings.

I guess taxes can be considered pretty "American", but then, I'm fairly certain most other countries have the tax system as well. Hmmm.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses longing to breathe free...send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me..." Well, I'm pretty sure the homeless don't even pay taxes. But perhaps if you're tired and tempest-tossed on April 15, the neighborhood tax accountant is just what you need. Maybe handing over those tax files with only hours left to mail in your forms is a great liberation (except for that $200 you'll have to pay said tax accountant, but we'll ignore that bill for now).

The costumed tax office employees held no signs, but were simply waving at the passing cars. Apparently no signage is necessary; don't we all automatically associate the Statue of Liberty with taxes? I'm not sure when this trend started or why it makes sense. Any suggestions?

With that, I'll just say Happy Statue of Liberty Day (sounds so much nicer than Happy Tax Day, don't you think?).

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