Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Health care, kind of.

I don't know what this has to do with health care really, or the bill that just passed, but I thought I'd share some random observations from the fitness center to which we belong.

(Also, I looked up a PDF file of the new "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act". It's a little over 2400 pages long. The table of contents is 15 pages. Maybe over the next year I'll read through it.)

A.) A man comes upstairs to the cardio equipment section of the fitness center decked out in his work-out finest. He is carrying a cup of Starbucks and the newspaper. He proceeds to sit down on an exercise bike and pedal while sipping his Starbucks and reading a newspaper. Ummm. I'm pretty sure he's not breaking a sweat, because, who would drink coffee while sweating? And, I'm also fairly certain you can't pedal too fast otherwise you'd spill your coffee and not be able to read the newspaper print. I think we are kidding ourselves as to the amount of effort required to get a proper workout.

B.) A woman in the locker room at the fitness center is just crumpling up a bag from McDonald's and tossing it into the trashcan before heading out for her workout. I wonder if she knows she'll have to be on that treadmill for about three hours to counteract that double quarter pounder with cheese. I guess whatever it takes to get you motivated for a workout. (The monthly fee we're paying is quite enough for me.)

(Although, a double quarter pounder with cheese is sounding pretty great to me right now!)

C.) This observation is not from the fitness center to which we belong currently, but a past workout facility which shall remain nameless (it might rhyme with "Fold's Wym"). My husband sometimes likes to wake up before the sun to be the first one at the gym. I've never experienced that phenomenon, so this observation is taken from John. He arrives one morning and waits and waits and waits for someone to unlock the door to the fitness facility. Finally a lady shows up, explains that she's so sorry she overslept, and now his workout has to be cut short so he can make it to work on time. The NEXT morning, (yes, he woke up THAT early two days in a row), he shows up to a table filled with doughnuts as an apology from the staff member who overslept the day before. "Welcome to our fitness center. Have some doughnuts!"

So, in general, I see no need for McDonald's, Starbucks, or doughnut shops to worry about the economy - if they can cater even to the health-conscious who get up before the sun to work out I'm pretty sure they can stay in business. Thus stimulating a perpetual need for health care in this country. And more gym memberships.

I wonder if Starbucks has thought of adding some stationary bikes to their stores and charging fees so customers can burn some calories while sipping on their hazelnut mocha half-caf lattes. Just a thought.

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