Monday, July 07, 2008

The Picture Atop This Page...

We'll be there in two weeks.

Rocky Mountain National Park.

That picture was taken on the only hike we got to do when we went last year. Due to unfortunate circumstances (like a sweet nephew being born four months early), we didn't get to stay in Colorado longer than a few days, and a couple of those days were fraught with many tears and much anxiety over what was happening in a hospital back in Texas.

We hope to stay a bit longer this year to really relax, enjoy nature, and relish the cooler temperatures.

One teensy problem hangs over my head.

Upon arriving in the higher Colorado elevations I become ill for several days. Headaches, fatigue, nausea. It's not very fun.

Now, I'm not entirely certain whether this has more to do with altitude or with some horrendous mutant allergen that resides in Colorado in the summer waiting to attack me upon arrival.

I've taken allergy medication; it hasn't seemed to help much. I also make sure to drink plenty of water, which is pretty easy since I always drink lots of water; that too seems to have no effect.

If any of you out there have any other suggestions or magic tricks that might help me be able to enjoy the vacation for the duration, rather than having to wait until the last two days we're there to feel good, please feel free to leave a comment. I am taking all and any ideas.

Two weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No ideas. Sorry!

I was on that hike--sort of. I was lagging incredibly far behind while the rest of you effortlessly and merrily hiked along.