Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Power of Persuasion

I just have to say: thanks to my talented husband, we will be closing on our house on time: a feat that apparently was not possible in the minds of all realtors involved because of the particular lender we chose to use.

I have to say that I doubted it myself when our underwriters first asked for a copy of the inspection report over a week ago and then insisted we fix certain things before closing. This despite the fact that we were asking the seller to pay us money in lieu of repairs. And despite the fact that no one should care whether our hot water heater is up to snuff or the outdoor GFCI outlets work or not, least of all our lenders. What if we're against hot water and prefer to take cold showers?

John somehow convinced our lender to waive the silly request for repairs, and we thought things were settled. Until Monday night, four days before we're supposed to close, when our realtor calls to tell us apparently the underwriters are on another scavenger hunt and are requesting a copy of the structural engineer's report. This house is only six years old. Nothing's wrong with the foundation.

Once again, John came to the rescue by informing the loan officer we will not provide more ridiculous reports, especially not four days before closing will take place, and it WILL take place. By Tuesday we had all our final paperwork to review and the guarantee that closing will happen on time.

Our realtor is duly impressed and has observed that "John is a very persuasive man."

I smiled and told John that's how we ended up married; he's very persuasive. And I wouldn't trade him for anything.

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