Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It's been a little quiet here on the blog. Mostly because a lot of stuff has been going on in our private lives that I just haven't been able to share publicly yet.

That, and it's been 106 degrees on average every day for the past two months. This means my life consists of working, sleeping, reading and generally attempting to go outdoors as little as possible. It did finally rain for the first time in months last Saturday, which ushered in a day of temperatures well below 100 - it was wonderful!

And now it's back to triple digits for as far as the forecasters can predict. I admit that I dream about Thanksgiving and Christmas and even snow.

I might get snow this Christmas, because (ta-da...I can share one of the issues that's been going on in our lives recently!) we're moving to Oklahoma City. Moving is bittersweet. John is changing jobs, changing companies. Besides better pay, this job will require no travel. I can't even imagine what that will be like, but I don't think it will take long for me to get used to it!

This all came about in a matter of two weeks, although we've been waiting an additional two weeks to get a written offer letter. So, while he's accepted the job, we've known we'll be moving, and our house has been for sale, John has had to keep quiet at work about all this. No more. The letter came today.

I am always amazed and grateful at how God takes care of us. After putting a "for sale" sign up, a couple came to look at our house three days later and they love it. So, I think we pretty much have the house sold - just need to get the contract agreed upon and start on the inspection/survey/title stuff so they can close around October 1.

So, even though moving is scary and uncomfortable, and it always takes so much longer than I want to become fully adjusted to a new place, I know without a doubt that God will provide - new doctors, a church, friends, fun times, a home for us, the next job for me, opportunities to serve...and all the things I'm not even thinking about right now.

So, even though every person I've told about the move has been extremely sad, which makes me sad, I'm trying to focus on one day at time right now. Thankfully, I have a fabulous husband who is taking the brunt of planning ahead on his own shoulders so I don't have to think too far into the future. I also have the most supportive family ever - whether it's hugs when I'm sad, prayers, wise advice, or practical stuff like putting in a new back door and cleaning out closets with me - they are here whenever we need them.

Thankfully we're not moving so far away that it wouldn't be possible for us to continue seeing each other often. We've already made plans with my sister to rendezvous for the state fair (of Texas...I just can't imagine Oklahoma having a better state fair).

Mmmm. That kind of makes me hungry for a corny dog and tornado taters. And maybe a funnel cake for dessert.


Melanie said...

We're so excited about you moving to Oklahoma. The only thing better would be if you were moving to Tulsa, but it's not a long drive to OKC. Don't worry, I promise we'll call before we come visit. Love you!

The Bloom's said...

I'm also so excited for you guys!!! It is so clear that the Lord has opened up so many doors and provided this opportunity...I can't wait to see how it all unfolds. And we are in Oklahoma City a lot visiting Brandon's family so we will most definitely see you in your new town! If you need anything in terms of doctors names, churches, etc. let me know. Love you guys tons.

Laurie Pillow said...

We can't wait for you guys to get here! :) We'd love to have you come try our church (and hopefully we'll end up at the same one this time!), and if you're interested, our life group is also a great group of couples.