Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Technology Break

I am not one of those people who needs to take a "vacation" from technology because, well, I am not very technologically-connected. I really prefer to actually talk to people rather than text and am not a member of the most well-known social networking site.

I recently witnessed two people texting back and forth to make a decision about something. It took about 25 minutes of back and forth before a decision was made when, by my calculations, a phone call could have cut the conversation down to about five minutes.

I think we're fooling ourselves if we think all the newest technology is saving us time...or improving our communication skills.

Wow. Let me get off my soapbox. (OK. One more thing. I visited with a friend last week who also agrees with me about the whole texting versus actually talking thing. So, I'm not alone in my opinion.)

What I really meant to say when I started this whole post was I have not had much access to the internet or good cell phone service for the past week because we were in the mountains of Colorado.

Estes Park to be exact. Try not to be jealous.

It was a week of cool, dry air, gorgeous mountain views, hiking, shopping, dining, laughing, and playing games. I intend to write in detail about the more interesting parts of our vacation...mostly so I can relive it again to cope with coming back to real life, and hot, humid weather.

But not today. Because today I have a mountain of laundry to deal with and otherwise am taking my time adjusting to post-vacation. I am enjoying some denial about being back in the real world.

Also, we carpooled to and from Estes Park with some family and inadvertently left our camera in their car. John is currently on a mission to retrieve it, but for now I have no pictures to share. I'm hoping some of our pictures can be worth a thousand that you don't have to endure me actually writing a thousand words about each day of the trip.

Even though you know I could!

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