Friday, July 30, 2010

Colorado: A Trip Report in Parts

I'm not sure how many parts I need to describe our week in Colorado...or how much time I really want to spend in this effort. I promise I shall be as succinct as possible.

I don't know if that's saying much.

Unfortunately we have far less pictures than I thought we did. Photography is a hobby I would love, could learn to do, and dearly wish I actually invested in. The reality is I am either too busy enjoying the moments of life or just plain too lazy to get a camera out/carry a camera around/mess with camera settings.

I really think it's more laziness than anything. Part of me thinks if I got a bigger, better camera (we currently favor the variety that fits in your pocket) I would take more photos, but let's be honest. If I'm too lazy to carry around a camera in my pocket, get it out, and turn it on all the time WHAT makes me think I'm going to carry around something bigger and more complicated?

Anyway, so the first day or so of our trip have no photos to illustrate them. Mostly the first day we were in the car. 13 hours of sleeping, reading, listening to an audio book, crosswords, the busiest Dairy Queen between Dallas and Colorado (is it Dalhart? where the parking lot is full all summer and there is constantly a line of at least 10 for the women's bathroom...can I buy stock in that particular Dairy Queen?), and Sonic!

(I wish I had a picture of the line at the Dairy Queen bathrooms...and the full parking lot. Come to think of it, on our trip back home, we couldn't even find a spot in the parking lot and had to make our pit stop across the street at the Subway.)

It is important, for later parts of this story, to mention that John's aunt and cousin dropped us off at the airport in Colorado Spring to pick up our rental car as we were staying overnight with friends the Colorado Springs. John travel a lot, and thus has some super special status with his car rental company where he gets free upgrades. We paid a sub-compact car price and they gave us a Ford F-150 4x4. Nice! So he decided on the spot to just keep the car for the week instead of returning it in Boulder the next day as planned (where his sister would come to pick us up and take us the rest of the way to Estes Park).

The evening and following morning were spent with some dear friends in Colorado Springs who fed us, gave us a comfortable bed to sleep in, let us play with their precious little girls, and even entertained us with fireworks! (OK. The fireworks were a surprise, even to our friends. Their neighbors down the street apparently were confused about when the 4th of July holiday is celebrated and must have thought the correct day for the pyrotechnics was July 17. I, for one, am glad they were a little late.)

The highlights of the next day were, in no particular order: an iced latte at Starbucks, Glacier ice cream (MMMMMM! and I hear they're coming to Colorado Springs!), summer music mix, a hilarious moment of music making in the toy store thanks to John and his dad (I need to get the video from my sister-in-law), Drop (licorice from the Netherlands), and driving up into the mountains where it's cool. Oh, and finding out that housekeeping brought a brand new queen mattress to the cabin we stayed in at the YMCA of the Rockies just for us!

I have gotten next to nothing done today on my day off from work, so I need to adjourn and go do some ironing or make dinner or something. Part two will be coming soon, I promise. (And maybe the video of the toy store incident...if I can find it. It is hilarious.)

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