Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Saturday 9:00 pm – Walking on top of the rain forest

After the tilapia experience, we headed to Kakum National Forest, one of the few rain forests left relatively undisturbed in Ghana. We joined some school children (the same ones we toured with at Elmina Castle) on a guided tour down a half-mile path to something called the Canopy Bridge. Apparently two guys spent six months building a 350 meter long bridge a couple hundred feet above the forest floor. This bridge is made of only net (3 feet high on each side), some rope, and wooden planks barely nine inches wide. The bridge was shaky, made even more so by the presence of Ghanian teenagers on the bridge. We pretty much hung on for dear life, but managed to capture some video and pictures along the way. See our Flickr site for the pictures. You may have to wait a while for the videos.

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