Saturday, December 10, 2005

No Rain for Three Days!

We have survived our week apart. John's plane arrives back from California tomorrow morning.

Amazingly enough it has been sunny here in Amsterdam for the past three days! That's right, three entire days and nights with no rain. God must have known Erin needed something to boost her spirits a little bit this week, and sunshine was just the thing. For most of you, especially those of you in Texas, this is probably not a very amazing or exciting event. We have definitely come to appreciate sun more in this country where wintertime means the sun moves low across the sky and can be seen (when not obscured by clouds and rain) for only about 8 hours a day. Yeah, sun for only 8 hours a day unfortunately means John rarely sees daylight during the work week. He's hoping he got a good enough dose of sunshine while in California to last him a while.

Christmas is only 15 days away! Can you believe it? After Sinter Klaus Day last week all the stores and flower stands started putting out their Christmas trees for sale. We have always bought a real Christmas tree so we hate to not get one this year, especially since we do have family coming to visit right after Christmas, but our apartment is quite tiny. As Erin has been riding her bike around this week, she's been trying to figure out how small of a tree one can purchase. There are some pretty small ones out there so we'll have to be sure and take a picture of our "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree when we get it, hopefully next weekend.

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